Friday, June 29, 2012

rest days

Well this is by far the season that ive ridden the most, and I just feel like I dont have any kick at all right now. Buck hill was tough last night and while I had a really good start I just kept getting dropped. Started on the first row and finished 29th. Wasn't a great finish, but not horrible either, I just had zero go juice in it. So im gonna take a few days off of the bike. Let the legs recover, eat healthy and come back hard next week. Enjoy the weekend I know I will be.

Monday, June 25, 2012

so much biking, not enough time to blog

holy cow, ive had a ton of time to ride my bike lately, and zero time to blog. this is a good thing if  you ask me. so here is what ive been up. Rode Cuyuna with David and Chris for my birthday, also got to meet up with don and brenda for a bit too . we camped, had beers, and  in general shredded ith. it was my first time up there, the trail is fast and flowly but not very technical, but it twas a ton of fun . then i attempted to race redwing the next day. i had zero legs, it rained, and i had my 3rd DNF at that course. I commuted a ton, raced the powder horn 24 with the Murder Cats Turbo Crew, took second and in general put on about 270miles in the last week. now im chilling and enjoying the sun. maybe get out tonight for a ride? we will see im pretty bushed

any way here are some peektures!

entrance to the only tech section at cuyuna

chris, myself, and don

powderhorn 24 post race

sam i am

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bluff Riders Charge

Saturday night after work i headed down to mankato, and after staying up way too late and hydrating with all the wrong things i woke up with a rumble in my stomach and a ringing in my ears. fueled up at the Hag and headed to the hill. got there early and got to see a bunch of former coworkers from my scheels days, chatted way too much and missed my bottle hand up to Matt. So i warmed up and got to the line....

i was so tired, and energy less. But the race went amazingly well. The temperature was perfect, the trail tacky and my legs...well they worked really really well. i rode to second in class and 8th overall. I couldn't be happier. Big thanks to Brett and Monica for the bottle ups on the kato climb. Huge thanks to the Todds Gang'ers and Brady for the heckling. it was a short but sweet visit. Congrats to every one that finished.

3rd lap attack
half way up!
Go Grizzly

cannondales are hot with BCR this year...